sexuals; what about when I "grow old"? What about my going with this "old" man (anything from a five year differential and up)? What about this young guy; how could he really like me (five years or more older than he is)? The Twins view such questions as nonsense. Do you like each other, or don't you? Do you want to live with each other enough to go through what you may have to encounter, or don't you? These, they say, alone are the relevant considerations. The rest is childishness, and perhaps they are right.
To friends and acquaintances one of the most remarkable aspects of the pair is the home life they have created for themselves since coming out into the stability of more peaceful waters. How to describe it to those who have not with their own eyes seen it?
As remarkable as anything is the fact that they now live in a typical upper, middle-income level tract of newer homes where any of the homes have swimming pools. Despite their refusal to conceal or to gloss over any aspect of their partnership, even down to the wearing of precisely identical attire, they know the neighbors. They are active in organizations. They participate in community affairs. Twice their home has won the community award for outstanding Christmas decorations and this "pair of bachelors" is written up in the paper, with pictures. Hundreds, if not indeed thousands have come by to see the lights and hear the music. Father, mother and the children have gone through the house and the garden and sent their friends by to enjoy the same privilege. For it indeed is a remarkable home and garden. Not everyone would care to emulate it even if he could, but, as The Twins say, "We like it."
The garden is unbelievably luxuriant. Walks and walls of weathered
brickwork contain a multiplicity of terraces, stairways and vistas. Not that it is so large, but it has been intricately planned to show off the many marble and bronze busts and seductive
ancient and Renaissance glorifications of the male figure.
There are fountains backed by Italian cypresses and tiny rock plants creeping between the brickwork. At night lights of many colors create their moods. Lacy white ironwork gates and seats frame views of city, mountain and ocean a score of miles away, glittering in the sunlight by day and sparkling at night, as the distant traffic signals ebb off and on.
The house within is veritably a museum of choice inlaid antique woods in French, Italian and English